
24 2015

Shabbat 75 (JFM)

6:30PM - 9:30PM  

Homes Across Madison

Contact Tiz Goff

We Did It! In honor of Jewish Federation of Madison's 75th anniversary, we asked for 75 community members to host a Shabbat dinner all on the same night. We surpassed our goal, with over 75 homes signed up to celebrate!

There are several ways people are participating in this community-wide celebration:

  • Having Shabbat dinner with just immediate family
  • Inviting friends and/or extended family to their home
  • Being a community host...letting us match up host homes with guests from the community
  • Being a guest...letting us match people up with a home looking for guests

The first 75 hosts who register will receive a prayer book, recipes from around the community, and a candle lighting kit. You can also download the prayer book.

We will contact you in April, if you requested to host guests from the community, to let you know who will be attending your home. You may then contact them to coordinate bringing a dish and to discuss any food restrictions, requests or preferences. Please prepare a kosher-style meal (i.e., vegetarian, fish, etc...).

We will contact you in April to let you know where you will be hosted. You may be asked to bring a part of the meal (please bring something in keeping with kosher-style) and can coordinate any food restrictions, requests or preferences at that time.

Post Your Photos (before Shabbat)
We would love to see a picture of your Shabbat table all set and ready to go before Shabbat begins. Post them to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and tag Jewish Federation of Madison. Also, use #Shabbat75. Or email them to online@jewishmadison.org.

Download Commemorative Prayer Book
A very special prayer book was assembled in honor of Shabbat 75. It includes Shabbat blessings and rituals, the history of the Jewish Federation of Madison, and a collection of Shabbat recipes from the community.

Download Prayer Book >

A Jewish Federation of Madison Innovation Grant made this event possible.