Kyle Louis Jasen

With great sadness, we write to inform you of the passing on December 14 of Kyle Louis Jasen, son of Henry and Terri Jasen, brother of Emily (Ankur) Desai, uncle of Maya, Lela and Sarita Desai, nephew of June Jasen, and grandson of Roe Jasen.

The funeral will be in person at Beth Israel Center, 1406 Mound Street, on Friday, December 17, at 10:00 am.

To attend in person, you must be fully vaccinated and masked. Those speaking from the podium may (but are not required to) remove their masks while addressing the kahal.

For those unable to attend in person or who prefer to participate remotely, the service will also be viewable here:
Funeral Livestream >

A private burial will follow.

Family members will attend the following services and receive condolence visits:

  • Sunday morning, December 19, on Zoom, at Beth Israel Center, and at the home of Emily and Ankur Desai. Minyan begins at 8:15 am. The family will participate on Zoom. A limited number of people may participate with the family at the Desai home and must register in advance. Registration is not required to attend in person at Beth Israel Center.
  • Monday morning, December 20, at Beth Israel Center and on Zoom. Minyan begins at 7:15 am, followed by breakfast at Beth Israel Center. Masks required except while actively eating/drinking. No registration is required.
  • Monday afternoon, December 20, at the home of Emily and Ankur Desai. Registration is required to visit in person, 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm or 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm.
  • Monday evening, December 20, on Zoom. Minyan begins at 5:45 pm.

The family will get up from shiva on Thursday morning, December 23.

To register to attend in-person shiva at Desai home, for shiva Zoom links, meal coordination, or additional information, contact

May Kyle's memory be for a blessing.