Marie Mocny

With great sadness, we write to inform you that Marie Mocny, beloved mother of Patrice (Michael) Onheiber and wife of the late Al Mocny, z"l, died on Wednesday, November 28.

She will also be missed by Patrice and Michael's children, Josh and Miriam Onheiber, and by Patrice's siblings and their families: Jim (Susan), Laurel Ann (Louis), Chris (Renette), Michael (Monica), and Bob (Jerzy).

The funeral will be on Friday, December 7, in Santa Barbara, California. Patrice and Michael will remain in California for an extended stay beyond the funeral and shiva.

The Onheibers will return to Madison to complete the week of shiva. They will receive condolence calls at Beth Israel Center following evening minyan on Wednesday, December 12 (minyan begins at 5:30 pm).

Patrice will get up from shiva following the 7:00 am morning minyan at Beth Israel Center on Thursday, December 13.

If you wish to bring food to share, please follow the Beth Israel Center kashrut policy for home-cooked food, which can be found here.

May Marie's memory be for a blessing.