
17 2014

Israeli Film: Ushpinzin (“Guests”)

7:00PM - 9:30PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Drive
WI 53711

Contact Joanna Berke

Israeli film, Ushpinzin (“Guests”) Academy Award for best Short Documentary. Powerful, touching and amusing, Ushpinzin, is a heart-warming and soul-stirring film which revolves around Succot and a search for the “”perfect” etrog. A loving couple, down on their luck, pray for a miracle. The miracle arrives in the form of a large sum of money. Following the money come the Ushpinzin… 92 minutes, Rated P.G. films and refreshments are free. Temple's Arbor Street doors open at 7:00 pm, films begin at 7:15pm and are followed by an often animated discussion. Snacks, beverages and much schmoozing among friends (known and new), precede the showings.