
8 2023

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Training (TBE)

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Temple Beth El 2702 Arbor Drive
Madison, WI 53711

Contact Stefanie Kushner
(608) 238-3123

In this important training, Captain Jason Freedman of the Madison Police Department Midtown District will teach us what to do to increase the chance of survival in the event of an active shooter incident. What you do in the first three minutes can make a difference in your safety and the safety of others.

Learn the principles of what to do in an active shooter incident: “Avoid, Deny, Defend,” also referred to as “Run, Hide, Fight.” Captain Freedman will present case studies that highlight strategies victims used and the outcomes of their choices, with the aim of helping participants understand “Avoid, Deny, Defend” in deeper detail.

Please register to join us for this training.

Find our accessibility measures and other important information about in-person events on our in-person information page

Sponsor: TBE