
13 2024

Families with Young Children Shabbat in the Park (TBE)

5:30PM - 7:00PM  

Wingra Park
Madison, WI

Contact Aleeza Hoffert
(608) 238-3123

Join us for a family Shabbat experience at Wingra Park, across from Temple Beth El. Please bring your own picnic dinner along with a blanket or lawn chairs to sit on. We will sing and play and say Shabbat blessings together.

Come meet and schmooze with Rabbi Jon Prosnit and sing with Cantor Jacob Niemi. Challah and juice will be provided. Lawn games will be available for family fun!

Geared toward children age 0 through 2nd grade, and their grown-ups. Older kids and grandparents are welcome. In case of wet weather, we will move inside to Temple Beth El.

Please register so we know to expect you and can update you directly if the location needs to change.

Find our accessibility measures and visitor guide on our in-person information page.

Questions? Please contact Aleeza A. Hoffert at

Sponsor: TBE