
22 2024

Klez Fest: The Ancient Law Cine-Concert (UW-Madison)


Collins Recital Hall, Hamel Music Center 740 University Avenue
Madison, WI

Cine-Concert, Ewald André Dupont’s 1923 silent film The Ancient Law with live original music composed and performed by world-renowned klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals and celebrated silent film pianist Donald Sosin.

This event is supported by the Sunrise Foundation for Education and the Arts.

Watch the trailer here.

Alicia Svigals and Donald Sosin have been bringing audiences to their feet throughout the US and Europe with their unique and stirring violin and piano scores for Jewish-themed silent films. The Ancient Law (Das alte Gesetz) was digitally restored in 2017 by the Deutsche Kinemathek with generous support from the Sunrise Foundation for Education and the Arts. The film is an important piece of German-Jewish cinematic history, contrasting the closed world of an Eastern European shtetl with the liberal mores of 1860s Vienna. The movie paints a complex portrait of the tension between tradition and modernity.

This event is part of Klez Fest, featuring Alicia Svigals, “Queen of the Klezmer Violin” and her Klezmer Fiddle Express band, pianist/composer Donald Sosin, Kanopy Dance, Elm Duo, Tsuzamen, and Yid Vicious.

All events are free and open to the public.

See more Klez Fest details and events >

Klez Fest is sponsored by the Mead Witter School of Music, the Mosse/Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies, the Mayrent Institute for Yiddish Culture, and WORT-FM.