
8 2020

My Cup Overflows: An Introduction to the Book of Psalms (CSS)

6:00PM - 7:30PM  

Congregations Shaarei Shamayim via Zoom

Contact Joy Zotalis

We are happy to welcome back Rabbi Rena Blumenthal to teach another class which will focus on the Book of Psalms.

Following a brief overview of the history of the book of Psalms and the structures of ancient Hebrew poetry, we will engage in a slow, contemplative reading of selected psalms. For each psalm we study, we will engage both the Hebrew text and multiple translations. The goal of the class is to deepen our appreciation for this ancient and beloved anthology of religious poetry and find ways in which the poems speak to our lives and our time. Although we will engage with the original Hebrew texts, no knowledge of Hebrew is required. This will primarily be a discussion-based class taught via Zoom.

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CSS Member cost: $36; Non-member cost: $72

Sponsor: Congregation Shaarei Shamayim