
7 2024

Pride Shabbat with Rainbow Oneg Shabbat (TBE)

6:00PM - 7:30PM  

Temple Beth El
https://www.tbemadison.org/ 2702 Arbor Drive
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 238-3123 info@tbemadison.org

Contact Aleeza Hoffert
(608) 238-3123

June is Pride Month, and TBE is celebrating! Our worship and community spaces will be decorated with lots of color! Dress up to show your pride and come enjoy a colorful array of sights, sounds, and tastes representing LGBTQ+ pride.

Our 6:00 pm Pride Shabbat Worship service will feature melodies by LGBTQ+ writers and composers as well as songs with relevant themes. The 7:00 pm Rainbow Oneg Shabbat includes rainbow-colored foods and more.

Everyone is invited to join us for this community celebration of love, faith, equality, and respect. Those unable to attend in person are invited to share their pride on our Facebook page.

Thank you to the Pride Shabbat committee and additional volunteers for contributing to this event.

We look forward to seeing your rainbow wear and welcoming in Shabbat together.

To view this event on livestream, go to YouTube.

To follow along in Mishkan T'filah, you can obtain a print or electronic copy here.

Find our accessibility measures and visitor guide on our in-person information page.

Sponsor: TBE