Welcome Our New Director of Midrasha

We are thrilled to announce that Maddy Friedman has been hired as the Director of Midrasha Hebrew High School.

Maddy is not new to this inspiring teen program of the Jewish Federation of Madison, in partnership with Beth Israel Center, Congregation Shaarei Shamayim, and Temple Beth El, offering Jewish and Hebrew education, a safe space, and time to socialize with peers. She attended Midrasha as a student herself. Last year, she joined the staff, teaching the core curriculum for 10th and 11th grade, Social Justice and Judaism, and the elective Antisemitism in Social Media.

A note of introduction from Maddy:
I'm so excited to take over as director of Midrasha. I attended Midrasha in my youth and am excited to return to Madison after finishing school. I attended the University of Mississippi, majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications with a Business minor, and was president of the Hillel for three years. I recently completed my master's degree in Social Media Communications at Dublin City University in Ireland. I wrote my dissertation on Antisemitism on Social Media. I'm spending a month right now in Israel, completing a fellowship on Public Diplomacy and Geopolitics. I'm passionate about Antisemitism and social media. I love cooking, hiking, and yoga. 

Please join us in welcoming Maddy!

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